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Home Team All the Way: Committed to Singapore’s Security at Work and in NS

Keeping Singapore safe and secure isn’t just a National Service commitment to some, it’s also their daily duty as Home Team officers.
Firdouse Sukor, 45, is a National Serviceman (NSman) with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and a full-time officer with the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA). Like fellow Home Team officer Alex Tan, Firdouse chose to serve beyond his NS obligations, and to develop his career with the Home Team. We speak to Firdouse about his steadfast commitment to keeping Singapore safe and secure. 

Different uniforms, one heart for service: Firdouse is proud to have had the opportunity to keep Singapore safe, having served in the SAF, SPF, SCDF and ICA. PHOTO: Muhamad Khair

Tell us about your experience as a Full-time National Serviceman (NSF).
I served my Basic Military Training at Pulau Tekong in 1990 before being posted to the SPF. During our nine-month training stint, my batch-mates and I learnt about legislation that’s key to Police work such as the Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code and Evidence Act. Besides our classroom sessions, we also attended drill sessions and physical training. 

After completing my training, I gained ground experience and learnt from the regular officers. I was eventually posted to the SCDF where I served as an Investigation Officer for the Provost Unit. I’m proud to have served as an NSF with the Singapore Armed Forces, the SPF and the SCDF – not many people can say that! 

How have you developed as an officer since serving as an NSman with the SPF? 
Over the years, I’ve seen the SPF develop from the Neighbourhood Police Post system and the Neighbourhood Police Centre system to what it is today. Having been with Delta Division for over 20 years, I’m very familiar with the terrain, which helps me when I deploy NSmen for their duties. 

It has been a thoroughly enriching experience, growing from a Team Leader to NS Deputy Commander. Delta Division has a great team; we’ve been recognised by the SPF for being the best Operationally Ready NS unit for the past seven years. The team has done Delta Division proud! 

What motivated you to become a Home Team officer with the ICA? 
Having been exposed to the work of the SPF and SCDF as an NSman, I understand the duties and expectations of Home Team officers. So it was a natural fit for me to serve in the ICA, and to contribute further. 

I’m currently an Assistant Commander with ICA’s Coastal Command where I oversee the management of law and order as well as protective security matters at our sea checkpoints. This gives me the opportunity to work closely alongside our counterparts from the Police Coast Guard, the SCDF Marine Command and the Central Narcotics Bureau in ensuring Singapore’s safety and security. 

What inspires you to keep serving?  
Ultimately, it’s the support of my supervisors, colleagues and family that has allowed me to serve my NS duties away from work. This keeps me going and serving in the Home Team.

A Career in the Home Team
If you’re keen to learn more about careers with the Home Team, visit the MHA website.

Written by

Yuslina Aziz


28 June 2018

Immigration and Checkpoints Security
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