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Our Trainers, Our Pride: Learning, A Lifelong Journey

Home Team Trainer of the Year ASP Sophia Ng believes in constant self-improvement to deliver effective training.
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PHOTO: Elaine Lee

ASP Sophia Ng, Principal Trainer at the ICA Training Command, never imagined herself to teach, let alone win the Trainer of the Year (Full-Time) award.

But an opportunity five years ago led the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officer to join the team that established the Training Command for existing and newly recruited ICA officers.
This stint resulted in a mindset shift within herself.

“Previously, when I was a Team Leader (TL) at Woodlands Checkpoint, I was very strict with my officers as we operate in a hectic environment with little to no margin for error. The last few years as a trainer has taught me to be more nurturing and less critical about mistakes,” ASP Ng admitted.

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ASP Ng at one of her training sessions. PHOTO: Sophia Ng

Delivering Effective Training
The more she interacted with officers – ASP Ng, who specialises in a variety of immigration-related modules – the more her passion and joy to impart knowledge grew.

“My heart beams with pride whenever I see my officers improve and develop their competencies, especially so for those whom I had to give remedial lessons to,” she recounted.
 To simplify complex theories, she tweaks the training content and classroom delivery to make lessons accessible and interactive.
“I leverage relatable analogies to illustrate the concepts and pose questions to stimulate critical thinking. I also conduct role-playing exercises in class to enhance officers’ retention of knowledge and skills,” ASP Ng explained.

Lessons from a Student
A strong believer in lifelong learning, ASP Ng keeps up with the latest training methodologies through various programmes such as community of practice sessions and brown bag lunches organised by the Home Team Academy (HTA).
ASP Ng also took up a part-time Masters’ degree in Strategic Studies at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Nanyang Technological University to enhance her knowledge in both traditional and non-traditional security issues.

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ASP Ng and her teammates were giving a presentation related to counter-intelligence. PHOTO: Elaine Lee

With officers becoming more well-informed, she noted that it is important to stay ahead and equip them for uncertainties in an evolving operating environment.
The lessons she sat through got her to reflect on her own teaching experience as a trainer, and see things from her trainees’ perspective.

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Sophia interacting with her classmates. PHOTO: Sophia Ng

Observing how her professors conducted classes gave her inspiration on how to guide her trainees and ask higher-order questions.

“My graduate course has not only made me more appreciative of my role as an ICA officer and Singapore’s security policies, it has also provided me with newfound knowledge on how I could better engage my trainees,” said ASP Ng.

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 PHOTO: Elaine Lee

The most satisfying part of her journey thus far?

“Being able to help trainees improve, clarify their doubts, and see them execute their daily duties with confidence make this job an extra meaningful one,” said ASP Ng.

Home Team Training Excellence (TRaX) Awards
The Home Team TRaX Awards are given out annually by the Home Team Academy (HTA) and recognise outstanding Trainers and Training Units in the Home Team’s Training and Learning Community. Follow HTA’s LinkedIn page for the latest Home Team Training and Learning updates.

Written by

Elaine Lee


26 August 2022

Border Security
Training & Transformation
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