Press Releases

Update on Terrorism-Related Arrest & Lapse of Restriction Orders Under The Internal Security Act (ISA)

Published: 09 January 2018

Arrest of Malaysian Under ISA


        In Jan 2018, a 33-year-old Malaysian, Muhammad Nur Hanief bin Abdul Jalil (Hanief), who was working as a driver with a local airfreight company, was arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA).  As a driver for an airfreight company, he had access to the Changi Airfreight Centre, which is a restricted area.  The Airfreight Centre provides airfreight services to Changi Airport.


2      Investigations have revealed that since 2008, Hanief perused online materials of foreign extremist preachers including Imran Hosein, Zakir Naik and Anjem Choudary.  He was also influenced by Ismail Menk and Haslin bin Baharim, who propagated segregationist and divisive teachings. Through sustained exposure to such materials, he became convinced that he should travel to Syria or Palestine to participate in the conflict there. 


3      In late 2017, Hanief decided to act on his plans to participate in the conflict in Syria or Palestine after he suffered setbacks in his work and personal life.  He was prepared to join any militant group there, including the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Free Syrian Army, or Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (previously known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham / Jabhat al-Nusra), because he believed that all these groups would ultimately unite at the "end-of-times". He contacted Haslin bin Baharim and sought his advice on whether he would become a martyr if he was killed in a conflict zone in Syria.  Haslin's response was that it was God's will if one should die as a martyr, which Hanief interpreted as an affirmative reply. 


4      Hanief had held various jobs in Singapore since 2011.  While investigations did not surface any indication that he had tried to radicalise others or planned any terrorist attacks in Singapore, his radicalisation renders him a security threat to Singapore.  His Work Pass was therefore cancelled, and he was repatriated to Malaysia in Feb 2018.   



Lapse of Restriction Orders


5      Restriction Orders (ROs) under ISA issued against four individuals were allowed to lapse upon expiry in Dec 2017.  They are self-radicalised Singaporeans Muhammad Zamri bin Abdullah (Zamri; aged 36), Zakaria bin Rosdan (Zakaria; aged 27) and Muhammad Khairul Sofri bin Osman (Khairul; aged 33), and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) member Mohd Azmi bin Ali (Azmi; aged 49). 


6      Zamri was detained under ISA in Dec 2007.  He was radicalised through radical propaganda in publications, videos and the Internet, and had attempted to make arrangements to participate in militant jihad overseas.  He was released from detention and placed on RO in Dec 2011.


7      Zakaria and Khairul were placed on RO without being detained in Dec 2013.  They were radicalised after viewing radical online videos and websites and were inspired to undertake violent jihad in places of conflict like Syria.  Zakaria had tried to establish contact with a number of foreign militant entities online in an attempt to join them and get to conflict zones.  Khairul had encouraged Zakaria, abetting him in his plans.


8      Azmi fled Singapore in Dec 2001 in the wake of security operations against the JI.  Following his arrest overseas with the co-operation of regional authorities, and his deportation to Singapore in Dec 2009, he was detained under ISA.  He was released from detention in Dec 2013 and placed on RO.



Law and order
Managing Security Threats