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Keeping Singapore Drug-Free

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is committed to achieving a drug-free Singapore. The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) is the primary drug enforcement agency in Singapore.

What We Do

Singapore’s drug-control strategy is targetted at reducing both drug supply and demand. We adopt a comprehensive harm prevention strategy, comprising:

  • Preventive Drug Education (PDE)– Through PDE, CNB educates the community on the harms of drugs and strengthen the resilience of youths to stay drug-free.
  • Local and International Engagement– CNB works actively with the local community to garner strong societal support to create a Singapore without drugs. CNB also works with like-minded international partners to uphold the international space for a zero-tolerance approach against drugs.
  • Firm Laws and Rigorous Enforcement – CNB prevents the proliferation of drugs through intelligence, operations and investigations, guided by robust laws and policies. CNB collaborates with Home Team, local and international partners to stem the flow of drugs into and within Singapore.
  • Structured Rehabilitation and Aftercare Programmes – Singapore’s regime weans drug abusers off addiction and prepares them for life outside the Drug Rehabilitation Centres (DRCs) and prisons. Ex-abusers who are released are supervised by CNB to facilitate their re-integration into society through a coordinated aftercare network.




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