Home Team Volunteer Network FAQ


Volunteer Special Constabulary - Police Officer

Eligibility and Application

No, a fresh application must be made for a Regular Officer position. Some of the minimum requirements for a Regular Officer position differ from that of a VSC. There will be no exemption from the Regular Officer’s basic training course even if you may have completed the VSC basic training.

Yes, but these officers would need to seek clearance from their respective organisations and supervisors.

You must satisfy the minimum requirements before a re-application will be considered. The VSC Recruitment Department may invite applicants to re-apply on a case by case basis.

Those who are serving Full-time National Service or are waiting to be enlisted are not eligible.

No, you are not exempted from National Service recalls.

You may remain active in service up to the age of 55 for both Police Officers (Junior) and Senior Officers. Officers who have performed well and are medically fit, may be permitted to extend service till 60 years of age.


Fitness and Medical

Yes, IPPT is compulsory.

However, a VSC who is an existing Regular Uniformed Officer in a uniformed organisation such as SCDF/SAF/PNSF/ICA/Prisons, can be exempted from the VSC IPPT if they can produce the original IPPT results taken at their respective agencies in the same year.

In addition, all VSCs must pass the annual shooting test and Police Defence Tactic (PDT) test.


Leave and Resignation

Yes, you may. There is no bond or minimum years of service with VSC before resigning. An exit interview will be conducted by Head VSC of the Division for resignation cases.

You may also opt to take an extended leave of absence which can vary from 1 month to a maximum of 3 years.

Citizens on Patrol (COP)

Yes. SPF will be issuing a COP identification card with the photo you submitted. You are required to carry this ID card with you at all times for identification when performing patrol duties as a COP.

You will be equipped with a vest to project a strong, unified presence and an identification card for purpose of identification during your patrol. To support you in your patrol, you will also be issued with a torchlight.

National Police Cadet Corps

The National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) is a National Uniformed Group under the purview of the Ministry of Education and the Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs. NPCC has played a vital role in the Police’s community engagement strategy.

NPCC has helped to develop its cadets to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with SPF, to fight crime and keep Singapore safe. Through this strong partnership with SPF, the Police’s purpose and core values are instilled in our NPCC members and shared with the wider community through the NPCC’s community outreach programmes.

Mission: To develop our members to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with the Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.

Vision: To become the best youth organization in Singapore, one that actively helps to make Singapore the safest place in the world.

There are two pathways to volunteer with NPCC: Cadet Inspectors and Honorary Officers.

Cadet Inspectors: Eligible Secondary 4/5 NPCC cadets may be selected each year to undergo the Cadet Inspectors’ Basic Training Course, after which they will be posted to school units as Cadet Inspectors to train cadets.

Honorary Officers: Eligible Cadet Inspectors who wish to extend their service with NPCC may be recommended by their unit’s Officer-in-Charge to undergo the Honorary Officers’ Basic Training Course. After which, they will be posted to school units to mentor younger NPCC members. Alternatively, university students in NUS or NTU may join the NPCC units, after which eligible candidates may undergo the course.

There are no schemes available for members of the public to volunteer with NPCC currently.

Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit - Enforcement, Firefighting, Public Education, Medical


Yes, those without relevant experience or knowledge can still apply for the Firefighter vocation. You will have to go through a 16-week part-time course.

For other vocations, applicants who have relevant knowledge or skillsets will be preferred. Applicants are considered on a case-by-case basis.

The recruitment cut-off age is 35 years old for the Firefighter vocation and 45 years old for all other vocations. The retirement age for CDAU officers follows that of the regulars.

The retirement age of Junior CDAU officers is 50, while the retirement age for Senior CDAU officers is 55. Extension of the retirement age may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

No, only male applicants who have completed NS are eligible.

Yes. CDAU and ORNS service are separate and independent. ORNS service will take priority if you are called up for both at the same time.


Fitness and Medical

A minimum PES status B is required for Firefighting and Medical vocations. For other vocations, it will be on a case-by-case basis.



Yes, to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary for performing your duty, you may have to attend a non-residential training course conducted in the evenings and weekends.

It depends. Training is subjective and different trainees will perceive the course differently. However, it would be an advantage if you are physically fit.

Training will be done at various locations. Depending on the type of training, it can be held at the Civil Defence Academy (CDA) located at Jalan Bahar, at the Division HQ or at HQ SCDF.


Commitment and Shifts

A Senior CD Auxiliary officer (LTA and above) is required to perform a minimum of 24 hours of duty a month.

A Junior CD Auxiliary officer (SWO and below) has to perform at least 16 hours per month.

Yes, as long as you fulfil a minimum of 2 hours per duty, and 16 hours (JO) or 24 hours (SO) per month.

You can contact your immediate supervisor to make alternative arrangements. However, you must still meet the minimum hours required, or otherwise apply for leave of absence.

You will be excused from operational duties until you have completed your maternity leave.


Posting and Vocation

You are expected to complement the Singapore Civil Defence Force in areas of need e.g. Firefighting, Emergency Medical Services, Public Education and Enforcement.

For those who possess exceptional skills or expertise (Hazardous Materials, Fire Science Technology etc.), you can join our Expertise Group.

Yes, you will work hand in hand with the regulars for such activations depending on the vocation and appointment. This includes deployment at frontline units, i.e. fire stations.

Yes. CDAU volunteers wear the same attire as regulars.

We will try to place you in a convenient location to minimise your travelling time. However, this is subject to the availability of vacancies at the different locations.

Yes, you can make your request known and we will facilitate it as long as you have the relevant background and training.

Yes, you may switch. However, you would have to perform the minimum duties required for at least 2 years first.


Rank and Promotions

No. Service in CDAU is different from National Service in SCDF. Thus, performance in CDAU is not counted towards your National Service, and the ranks are independent of one another.

Promotion will depend on your performance, commitment and years in service.

Civil Defence Lionhearter Club

The Red Lion Head, adapted from the Singapore Lion Head symbolises the courage, strength and resilience in the face of challenges. The mane’s unrestrained partings represent the students' youthfulness and creative minds.

Below the Lion Head is SCDF’s logo and the name Lionhearter. The international Civil Defence triangle symbolising the three main areas of Civil Defence - fire safety, first aid, and rescue and evacuation, is the basis of the logo. The equilateral triangle with one of the angle pointed vertically upwards forms the background of the initials ‘CD’.

The name Lionhearter is adapted from SCDF’s Overseas Rescue Contingent, codenamed Operation Lionheart. Formed in 1990, the Operation Lionheart is on 24-hour standby to respond to countries affected by major disasters and render assistance in the area of search and rescue efforts. Likewise, the CD Lionhearters are always ready to render assistance to those in need.

The name “Lionhearter” is adapted from SCDF’s Overseas Rescue Contingent, codenamed Operation Lionheart. The CD Lionhearters share the same spirit of volunteerism as “Operation Lionheart” but the CD Lionhearters are not affiliated to Operation Lionheart as Operation Lionheart is made up of SCDF Regular Officers.

SCDF collaborates with NGOs such as Mercy Relief and Singapore Red Cross to offer opportunities for CD Lionhearters to participate in overseas humanitarian relief missions or overseas humanitarian rebuilding projects.

While there is a limit to the number of students who can join each overseas humanitarian relief mission or overseas rebuilding project every year, SCDF will ensure that opportunities to participate are fairly distributed among the CD Lionhearters from the various Clubs.

National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC)

The National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) is a National Uniformed Group under the purview of the Ministry of Education and the Singapore Civil Defence Force, Ministry of Home Affairs.

We believe in developing and empowering our youths to be active and concerned citizens advocating life-saving skills. NCDCC began its journey in 2005, with the focus to develop greater awareness of civil defence in our cadets and prepare them with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to emergencies at home and abroad.

Our mission is to develop and empower our youths to be active and concerned citizens advocating lifesaving skills. Our vision is to become a choice uniformed group of community first responders.

You can visit us at our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram.

Prisons - Befriending Programme

Just as you would treat any other person, do not use abusive or provocative language with the inmates.

Aside from that, Prisons will provide Basic Prison Training for registered volunteers to prepare for their role as Prison volunteers.

Prison compounds are gazetted security areas. Safety and security is therefore paramount in Prisons. The rules and regulations are essential in ensuring that safety and security exists inside prisons, ultimately, contributing to a safer Singapore.

The intangible and most rewarding benefit comes from knowing that your efforts have made a difference in the lives of inmates, and witnessing the positive transformation in some of the inmates.

Aside from that, Prisons provides Basic Prison Training to prepare you for your role as a Prison volunteer. You may also apply for developmental training by the Singapore After-Care Association (SACA) and Social Service Institute (SSI), to deepen your understanding in specialised skills such as counselling.

An annual appreciation ceremony is also held specially for Prisons volunteers to thank them for their efforts and valuable time put in in our rehabilitation cause.

Yellow Ribbon Project

Started in 2004, the Yellow Ribbon Project is a community initiative in Singapore that aims to create awareness of the need to give second chances to ex-offenders, generate acceptance of ex-offenders and their families in the community, and inspire community action to support the rehabilitation and reintegration of ex-offenders into society.

The inspiration for the Yellow Ribbon Project is the popular song 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree'. It's lyrics, "I'm really still in prison and my love, she holds the key, a simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free," aptly describe the constraints facing ex-offenders after they are released from jail.
The Yellow Ribbon Project is spearheaded by the Community Action for the Rehabilitation for the Ex-Offenders (CARE) Network.
Everyone can play a part to support the Yellow Ribbon Project. Individuals can volunteer at Yellow Ribbon Project events and programmes, whereas corporates can lend their support by employing ex-offenders. Similarly, anyone can donate to the Yellow Ribbon Fund and adopt artworks done by inmates.
Magnetic Yellow Ribbon collar pins are available for a donation of S$5 throughout the year.

Several agencies offer assistance, from financial aid to employment and vocational training opportunities, counselling and education grants for ex-offenders' children. Find out more about the resource at www.yellowribbon.gov.sg.

The Yellow Ribbon Fund administers funding to a variety of reintegration programmes for ex-offenders and support programmes to strengthen their families.

Proceeds from the various Yellow Ribbon Project fund-raising activities go towards the Yellow Ribbon Fund, which helps to administer these funds to a variety of reintegration programmes for ex-offenders as well as social support services to their family members.

Yes, it is. The Yellow Ribbon Fund was granted Institute of Public Character (IPC) status in August 2004. Its Charity Registration Number (UEN) is T04CC1808H.

Donations made to the Yellow Ribbon Fund will be given a 2.5x tax deduction.

Through agencies and programmes dedicated to the rehabilitation and care of inmates and releases, the Yellow Ribbon Fund helps ex-offenders with a genuine desire to change for the better to do so.

You may visit https://www.yellowribbon.gov.sg/yellow-ribbon-fund/donate-now for more details. 

The Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders (CARE) Network has several initiatives to help ex-offenders reintegrate into society, including rehabilitative and aftercare programmes. It administers Yellow Ribbon Funding to a variety of reintegration programmes for ex-offenders and support programmes to strengthen their families.

It also spearheads the Yellow Ribbon Project, a community initiative in Singapore that aims to create awareness, generate acceptance and inspire community action to support the rehabilitation and reintegration of ex-offenders into society.

Anti Drug-Abuse Advocacy (A3) Network

Volunteers who require financial support to organise ground up anti-drug initiatives may apply to the DrugFreeSG Fund, administered by the National Council Against Drug Abuse. For more information, please visit www.ncada.org.sg/fundme.