On 24 February, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), together with its 10 Home Team Departments (HTDs), celebrates the Home Team Day.
Home Team Day commemorates the Home Team concept, which was launched on 24 February 1997, by then-Minister for Home Affairs Mr Wong Kan Seng. The concept centres around the idea that while each department under MHA perform a specific role, all share the
common mission of keeping Singapore safe and secure. The word “Home” is derived from the Ministry of Home Affairs, while “Team” signifies our commitment to work together as one.
The Home Team concept underpins the way HTDs train, plan and operate today, to ensure an integrated and coordinated response to our mission. Collaboration between the HTDs enables us to leverage each other's strengths and make the best use of our resources, achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency in our operations.
Over the years, the Home Team concept was put to test through various national crises. Each time, the HTDs rallied together, and leveraged each other's strengths to ensure mission success.
In commemoration of how far we have come in working together as one MHA family, the Home Team Day celebrates the commitment and contributions of all Home Team officers who have dedicated their lives to keeping Singapore safe and secure. It also signifies our collective commitment to continue improving the way HTDs coordinate and integrate operations to serve the community better, and is also part of our efforts to build a stronger Home Team culture.