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Who We Are

Formed on 15 July 2011, the Home Team Volunteer Network (HTVN) unifies and brings together the diverse volunteers from across the Home Team. All volunteers who are volunteering with the various Home Team Departments are automatically considered as part of the HTVN.

HTVN’s 15,000 volunteers serve in roles ranging from volunteering in frontline roles such as enforcing law and order or fire-fighting to other roles such as sharing tips on how to stay drug-free or providing support for victims of crimes. We aim to make our volunteers’ journey with the Home Team meaningful and fulfilling.


What We Do

We work closely with the Home Team Departments to coordinate Home Team-wide programmes and activities, in areas like training, appreciation and recognition.

We also share best practices, as well as build systems and structures to enable us to partner the community better.


How HTVN Benefits You

As part of HTVN, volunteers across different volunteer schemes in the Home Team will have the opportunity to interact and attend training sessions, alongside volunteers from different schemes.

You will also be able to sign up for learning journeys to visit the various Home Team facilities to understand how the Home Team operates. You will also be invited to appreciation events with volunteers from other schemes, as well as join the HomeTeamNS as an Associate member.

Volunteers who have made significant and exemplary contributions will be eligible to receive the apex Home Team volunteer award – the Minister for Home Affairs National Day Awards (HT Volunteer). Some of our volunteers have even gone on to receive state level awards, which are given to those with exemplary contributions to the nation.

Learn About Awards and Recognition


Combined Shape

Am I part of the HTVN? If you volunteer with any Home Team Department, you are automatically a part of HTVN! While each of you volunteer within your own scheme, collectively, the combined efforts of the Home Team volunteers from across the HTVN keep Singapore safe and secure, across the various domains.


Our Values

Home Team volunteers work hand-in-hand with Home Team officers to pursue the mission of keeping Singapore safe and secure.

Likewise, volunteers share the same core values expected of our officers: Honour and Unity