Singapore and Foreign Interference 

With big power contestation as well as ongoing disputes around the world, foreign actors may exert influence on countries to choose sides. These attempts may come in the form of foreign interference and Singapore is not immune.

Why is Singapore Vulnerable to Foreign Interference?

As a small country with an open economy as well as a highly digitally connected and diverse society, Singapore is vulnerable. 

Segments of our population consume narratives spread through messaging applications and foreign media, whether published or broadcast in English or our mother tongue. These channels could be used for foreign interference. 

"Our racial and religious mix is easily exploitable by different countries… [We] see a steady build-up of different narratives, which is being very cleverly done. It is not obvious propaganda, but it conditions people to think in certain ways, particularly on foreign policy issues, often appealing to a larger racial identity, beyond the Singaporean identity.”

— Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K Shanmugam at the Second Reading of Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill Speech on 4 Oct 2021

Reported Cases of Foreign Interference in Singapore

In our history, Singapore has been the target of numerous foreign interference attempts. Today, foreign interference is still a threat to Singapore and can undermine our social cohesion and resilience.