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Exercise Heartbeat 2017 – Businesses Respond to “Terror Incident” at Clarke Quay

On 10 November 2017, two simulated terror attacks were carried out in the Clarke Quay area as part of Exercise Heartbeat.

Three armed men entered the nightclub “Neverland” at Clarke Quay with their guns blazing. Amid the dizzying lights and pounding music, the atmosphere of the club instantly changed to one of shock and horror.

However, the nightclub staff responded swiftly. They quickly evacuated their guests before the Singapore Police Force’s (SPF) Emergency Response Team stepped in to subdue the gunmen.

An armed-knife attacker was taken down by the police as part of Exercise Heartbeat 2017. PHOTO: Nur Amni

Better Equipped When Terror Strikes

According to Mr Tengku Mazlan, General Manager of Neverland Clarke Quay), Exercise Heartbeat had given him and his staff a better sense of what to do when a terror attack occurs. “Over the years, we have seen the number of terror attacks increasing,” he said. “That’s why we have to be prepared.”

This sentiment was echoed by Ms Hannah Goh, a Guest Relations Executive with Privé Clarke Quay. “This area is well-known as an entertainment hub,” she said. “My guests need to be assured that I know what to do if something happens.”

Hannah is no stranger to security incidents. In 2013, a club she worked at faced a two-hour closure when several drunken guests got into a fight that spun out of control. The incident saw Hannah’s colleague hospitalised after her head was smashed into a glass table.

“I told the guests to just follow me and leave,” Hannah recalled. “But getting them out of the club was difficult.”

Hannah Goh was one of the 70 representatives from businesses in Clarke Quay who took part in this year’s exercise. PHOTO: Nur Amni

That’s why simulations like Exercise Heartbeat are crucial for preparing employees and those on the ground for emergencies. Their knowledge of emergency protocols can make all the difference in getting guests to safety.

As Exercise Heartbeat came to a close, Hannah resumed her regular duties, secure in the knowledge that she would know what to do when terror strikes in the workplace. “My priority is to guarantee the safety of guests and colleagues,” she said. “To do that, I must know what to do in an emergency.”

Ramping Up Counter-Terrorism Efforts at the Workplace

Modelled after London’s Borough Market attack of June 2017, Exercise Heartbeat involved 140 participants and served to test the emergency responses of SPF, businesses and their staff in dealing with a terror attack.

Under the SGSecure for Workplaces programme, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) worked with property developer CapitaLand (which manages Clarke Quay) to build up the resilience of businesses against terror attacks.

Staff members applying their knowledge of SGSecure advisories such as “Press, Tie, Tell” to help an injured casualty. PHOTO: Nur Amni

Through the programme, employees of clubs and eateries in the area have received training in emergency evacuation routes. Businesses have also registered their employees as SGSecure representatives. Their responsibilities include using the  SGSecure Guide for Workplaces to implement SGSecure initiatives and activating business continuity plans in times of crisis.

An Emergency Response Team officer in a club during the terror simulation at Exercise Heartbeat 2017. PHOTO: Nur Amni

As part of ongoing counter-terrorism efforts, the Home Team has conducted multiple exercises such as Exercise Northstar 10 to validate multiple agencies’ response to possible terror attacks in Singapore. Read about Exercise Northstar 10 here:

Exercise Northstar 10 – Multiple Agencies Respond to “Terror Incident” at Changi Airport
Exercise Northstar 10: SCDF ORNSmen Work Alongside Community Partners to Hone Crisis Response (Page has been moved)

Companies can find out more about SGSecure through the SGSecure website and the MOM website. To download SGSecure-related apps, click here.

Written by

Muhamad Khair


16 November 2017

Community Engagement
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