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Inspector Clif is on the Case

On the beat and ready to serve – meet SPF’s newest crimefighter, Inspector Clif!

Inspector Clif might seem like your average friendly neighbourhood Singapore Police Force (SPF) officer, but as we discovered during our chat, he’s so much more! ☺


Dedicated to fighting crime, Inspector Clif is an online Police avatar who made his debut on 29 November and whose name stands for the SPF core values of Courage, Loyalty, Integrity and Fairness. We spoke to Inspector Clif (and the team behind him) to find out how he’s working to inform and engage the online community. 

Welcome to the Home Team, Inspector! Tell us more about what you do.  
Thank you! My role is to enhance the SPF’s crime prevention and deterrence efforts by educating and engaging the online community in Singapore on police-related issues such as property-related crimes, scams and traffic-related matters. 

What inspired you to become an SPF officer? 
Crimewatch! Hmm, will I reveal my age if I say Triple Nine? :P

What do you like to do with your fellow Police officers?
Fight crime, of course! But in all honesty, I enjoy spending time with them after work hours too when we hang out together. 

What are your hobbies?
Like most Singaporeans, I love to eat. Hawker fare’s always welcome. I also enjoy working out and recently picked up photography – I’m still an amateur, though.

What’s your favourite local dish? 
Chicken rice, laksa, nasi lemak... Do I really have to choose one? I love them all!

A glimpse into the Inspector's busy life. :) PHOTOS: SPF

Bubble tea or kopitiam teh?
Bubble tea is life! But I do watch my sugar intake too! Teh-ping siew dai is my alternative. 

What’s your fitness regime? 
I do both strength and cardio training to maintain my fitness! Running at our coastal parks is definitely one of my favourite sports.  

Who are some of your heroes, and why? 
We’re all heroes in our own way, in our everyday lives. My fellow Home Team officers from SCDF are truly inspiring too. 

What’s your favourite website, and why? 
I’m tempted to say… any website that’s not a phishing website! I also keep myself updated on local news and new shows on Netflix! 

PHOTOS: SPF, Cheryl Soh

What’s your advice to people who are avid Internet users? 
Hanging out online is something that’s become second nature to us, and with that comes the responsibility of being aware of its dark side as well. 

Be aware of the many dangers and risks that happen online every day, and how you can play your part by staying alert and observing basic precautions to protect not just yourself, but your loved ones too. 

Thanks for introducing yourself to our readers, Inspector! What’s your New Year resolution, and what are you looking forward to in 2020? 
I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know more of you online, and being able to make a difference by sharing practical crime prevention tips

Oh yes, how can I forget the exciting year-long activities that my colleagues are planning to commemorate SPF’s 200th year – definitely looking forward to that too! 
One last Q – what’s one crime-fighting tip that you want to share with our readers this festive season, Inspector? 
When shopping online, always opt for self-collection or cash-on-delivery. You get to check the product for any defects before paying!

The Inspector Makes His Entrance
Sharing the anti-crime message with the community in fresh new ways – that’s the impetus behind Inspector Clif, the online Police avatar that SPF introduced on 29 November 2019. “Singaporeans are highly active in the digital sphere, and the Police are continuously exploring new ways to help raise awareness of safety and security issues in Singapore,” said Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police Serene Chiu, Deputy Director of SPF’s Public Affairs Department. “We hope Inspector Clif will become the go-to source for the online community on such issues.” 

To learn how Inspector Clif spends his days (as well as to get the latest crime prevention tips and timely information on issues related to safety and security), follow his Facebook page!

Written by

Jade Tan


20 December 2019


Law and order

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