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Love Begins at Home (SPF)

Feel the love this Valentine’s Day with SPF Ground Response Force officers Senior Staff Sergeant (SSS) Muhammad Fadzly Bin Abdul Aziz and Sergeant (SGT) Nur Fadilah Binte Arshad, who met while training to be law enforcers.

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SSS Fadzly of Marina Bay Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) and SGT Fadilah of Woodlands West NPC are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this year.

The bubbly couple shared how they went from being squad mates in the Singapore Police Force (SPF) to close friends and finally husband and wife.

What made you join SPF?
SGT Fadilah: My uncle worked in the Criminal Investigations Department and often shared his crimefighting stories with me. That piqued my interest in policing, and I wanted to experience the action for myself.

SSS Fadzly:
Policing is an interesting and meaningful job. I applied for the job when I saw an opening. 
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How did sparks fly?

SGT Fadilah: During our trainee days, he was a bit naughty (laughs). My clumsiness was a running joke in my squad. I often tripped and fell, such as when we were marching. He liked to tease me for my clumsiness. Though I was angry with him and even hated him for it, I also found my own clumsiness amusing. After laughing at me, he would be very nice to me, helping to look out for me, so we became friends (laughs).  

SSS Fadzly:
She’s bubbly whereas I’m quieter. The way she talks makes me laugh.

In your 13 years in SPF, you both have never worked in the same unit before. How did you find time to go on dates and strengthen your relationship?
SGT Fadilah: We work 12-hour shifts, responding to 999 calls and doing proactive patrols to deter crime. Before we had a family, we tried to accommodate each other's shifts, meeting up on our off days. Communicating often is also important.

SSS Fadzly:
While working, we might not have time to eat a proper meal. So sometimes during my off days, I would ask if she has eaten. If not, I would buy food for her and drop by to pass it to her.

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You now have two children below the age of nine. How challenging has it been balancing family and work commitments?
SGT Fadilah:
It was quite tough at first. After work, we will take a quick nap then start our parenting duties. If both of us are working, my mother would take care of the kids. Thankfully, our parents are very accommodating to our shift work. 

SSS Fadzly:
We are on the same shift for one month, followed by three months of different shift hours. Thus, we have a semblance of the typical family life that office workers experience once every four months.
For the other three months, one of us could be on morning shift while the other is on night shift. When she's working, I have to be both the father and the mother to our kids, and vice versa. We can't spend time or have meals together as a family, so we give and take and do our best to make the family work. 
My work at Central Police Division also means that I’m involved in at least one major deployment every year. So, during public holidays like National Day when I am deployed, she will try to take leave to spend time with the kids.

SGT Fadilah:
Sometimes his deployment is confirmed only at short notice, such as during this year’s Chingay. We had to cancel our planned family outing. Our daughter is very understanding and matured. She explained to her brother that daddy had to work.
Adding to these challenges, I’m taking a part-time diploma sponsored by SPF. The travelling between Temasek Polytechnic in Tampines, work at Marsiling and home in the west is challenging.

SSS Fadzly:
Occasionally, I take the kids along to pick her up from school so that we can all talk and spend time together during the journey home.

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Were you ever worried for each other’s safety?

SSS Fadzly: All the time. Every workday is different. We don't know what we will face. In June 2022, Fadilah and her partner rescued two toddlers from a burning flat. I was worried when she told me she ran in to save the boys. But I do have confidence in her that she knows what she’s doing and she’s trained to look out for the safety of herself and others.

SGT Fadilah:
As his NPC covers the Marina Bay area, I worry when he attends to public order incidents near nightspots as patrons might get rowdy. He’s always been reassuring whenever I ask him about his cases, so I trust he can handle them himself.

How are you celebrating Valentine's Day this year?

SSS Fadzly: We are planning to celebrate earlier with a quick date on our common rest day, as I’ll be working on Valentine’s Day, though she’ll be home. Maybe she will surprise me with a home-cooked dinner on Valentine’s Day?

SGT Fadilah:
I can buy (laughs)! I’ll probably be too tired to cook.

<3 Read Love Begins at Home (HTX)

Written by

Tham Yee Lin


13 February 2023


Maintaining Law & Order

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