Our Community

Seven Officers, One Home Team Spirit

Diverse roles, one common purpose – seven officers share what keeps them going.
PHOTOS: Jermaine Ting

What does it take to be a Home Team officer? We caught up with seven officers who share what keeps them going!


Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) David Scott Arul
Commander, Special Operations Command (SOC), Singapore Police Force (SPF)

Despite being in service for 24 years, SAC Arul still enjoys the daily challenges of his work. “It requires me to think deeply about our objectives, and to experiment,” shares the 49-year-old officer. “Things never get stagnant!” 

SAC Arul has led the SOC since 2015. Knowing the big picture is crucial – the unit manages the SPF’s response to public order and security threats. Over the years, the veteran commander has overseen a range of high-signature events such as the DPRK-USA Singapore Summit in June 2018. 

According to SAC Arul, maintaining the SOC’s capabilities at the highest level ensures that the unit can respond to any incident at a moment’s notice. “Our bottom line is to protect Singapore and its people from harm,” he says.


Superintendent (SUPT) Koh Chek Keng
Senior Assistant Commander (Ground Operations), Tuas Command, Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)

Home Team officers work round the clock, even during the festive season, and SUPT Koh's team is no exception. 

Having previously served at ICA’s Integrated Checkpoints Command (Sea Domain), he now leads the dedicated team at Tuas Checkpoint. From maintaining border security to ensuring that the vehicle traffic flow is well-managed, it’s a complex operation that requires vigilance and commitment. 

How does SUPT Koh ensure that his team is up to the task? “We embrace a ‘One Home Team’ concept where every officer has a part to play in ensuring that our border is safe and secure,” he explains.


Ms Sylvia Liaw

Senior Assistant Director (Data Science & Artificial Intelligence – Ops Capabilities), Science & Technology Group, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)

Data Science is an interdisciplinary field comprising methods, processes, algorithms and systems that extract knowledge and insights from data. By discovering meaningful patterns in data, Home Team officers can generate crucial insights for an operational edge. 

In recent years, Data Science has changed the way the Home Team operates. And among those who’ve helped to drive this transformation is Sylvia Liaw. 

Sylvia is part of a team that develops Data Science capabilities for Home Team Departments. Asked what energises her about this role, she says, “We get to work together to solve key challenges within the Home Team.”

What excites Sylvia is the range of questions that Data Science can address. “It’s about making good use of the available data,” she explains. "There are a lot of new insights to be unlocked.”


Colonel (COL) Eric Chua

Director, SGSecure Programme Office (SSPO), MHA 

COL Chua wants everyone in Singapore to be prepared for crises and to do their part for the SGSecure movement.

At SSPO, he’s helping to drive new initiatives with stakeholders and community partners to strengthen our community resilience and cohesion in the event of a terrorist attack. 

The threat is all too real. "Security agencies have to get it right 24/7, but all it takes is for the terrorists to get us just once," says COL Chua. "If that happens, how fast we can recover as a collective will be key, and the community plays an instrumental role."

Having started his career as a senior officer with the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and played different roles in its overseas humanitarian missions, COL Chua is eager to enhance our community's resilience.  

“To embark on a journey of recovery after an attack,” he explains, “we have to ceaselessly work at strengthening our social fabric, even before we are hit."


Rehabilitation Officer 1 (RO1) Sabrina Tiyu

OC (Institution Control Centre), Institution B5, Singapore Prison Service

Having been in service for 28 years, RO1 Sabrina shares that besides her passion for the job, what drives her to give her best are her fellow Prison officers. 

Sabrina’s job scope includes managing the deployment of staff at Institution B5, which also serves as the Changi Prison Complex's Drug Rehabilitation Centre. In addition to ensuring that security procedures and protocols are adhered to, she's also responsible for maintaining the safety of inmates and their rehabilitation.

“There will be a day when they complete their sentences and return to society,” explains RO1 Sabrina. “We hope that the programmes they’ve gone through here will help them to reintegrate back into the community, as they all have a positive role to play.”


Assistant Superintendent (ASP) Muhammad Sadikin Bin Muhamad Jailani

Officer-in-Charge (Supervision), Enforcement “G” Division, Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB)

ASP Sadikin draws his motivation from knowing his efforts help to keep Singapore drug-free. “There’s a sense of purpose in what we do as CNB officers,” shares the 28-year-old officer. 

Having completed a stint as an investigator, ASP Sadikin now manages drug supervisees. It’s a job that has given him a better understanding of the deadly toll that drugs exact on individuals, families and the community at large. 

This has deepened his resolve to fight drug abuse. “A drug-free Singapore means that we stand strong against the threat of drugs," he says. “We can’t just be pushed down.” 


Deputy Assistant Commissioner (DAC) (NS) Derrick Goh

Deputy Commander (NS), Bedok Police Division, SPF

It’s a record we can all be proud of – year after year, Singapore consistently ranks among the safest cities in the world. 

According to DAC (NS) Goh, the responsibility of ensuring Singapore’s safety and security doesn’t only lie with the Home Team, but with all of us. 

“It’s not just about what we do as Home Team officers,” he explains. “It’s also about our family members, friends and even our children.”

Having served as a Police officer for 33 years, DAC (NS) Goh now oversees an enthusiastic cohort of NSmen at Bedok Police Division, providing security at major events and venues such as Bazaar Raya Geyland Serai and Singapore Airshow. “It’s important that we all work together so that we feel secure in Singapore, our home,” he explained. 

Home Team Promotion Ceremony 2019
This year’s Home Team Promotion Ceremony took place on 22 May. Read the speech delivered by Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Home Affairs, at the Ceremony.

Written by

Ashley Tuen and Jermaine Ting


12 June 2019

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