On Assignment

SGSecure: Building a Community of Prepared Citizens in Woodlands

Residents from the Woodlands area participated in the Woodlands Emergency Preparedness Day

The inclement weather failed to put a damper on the residents’ enthusiasm during the Woodlands Emergency Preparedness (EP) Day held at Admiralty Place on 5 November 2016.

Organised by the Woodlands Community Emergency and Engagement Committee (C2E), with assistance from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), the event aimed to introduce visitors to life-saving techniques, such as Improvised First Aid Skills (IFAS), Run, Hide, Tell and CPR.

Residents learning and practicing CPR during Woodlands EP Day. PHOTO: Nizam Neti

An anti-terror exercise involving Home Team Officers and resident volunteers from the People’s Association Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) was also conducted to demonstrate the Run, Hide, Tell and IFAS advisories.

A Laser Tag Game was also introduced to help youth residents better understand the use of the Run, Hide, Tell advisory during a terror attack. Through the game and explanations given by SPF officers, youths were able to gain a deeper understanding of SGSecure’s key messages.

Residents were also shown how to download and use the SGSecure and myResponder Mobile Apps, while being trained to conduct basic first aid and CPR at booths manned by Home Team officers and student volunteers from the National Police Cadet Corps and the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC).

Guest-of-Honour Parliamentary Secretary for Home Affairs Mr Amrin Amin urged residents to prepare themselves to the best of their ability so that they will know what to do and remain calm in the event of a terror attack.

“If we all do our part, we can build a Nation of Prepared Citizens that will react quickly and appropriately should an attack occur,” said Mr Amrin.

image_20161107hxisgamgbfyjAn exercise was conducted at an outdoor café to demonstrate the Run, Hide, Tell and IFAS advisories.PHOTO: Nizam Neti

As part of ongoing efforts to strengthen Community Resilience, a key pillar of the SGSecure movement, Mr Amrin launched the Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP) “I AM SAFE” E-learning programme.

The E-learning programme by the SCDF promotes community self-help and resilience by imparting basic Emergency Preparedness knowledge to help the public get out of harm’s way during an emergency.

An e-certificate will be issued upon completion of the 15-minute programme, which is available here.

image_20161107gxlpykazux5iParliamentary Secretary for Home Affairs Mr Amrin Amin (second from left) launching the Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP) “I AM SAFE” E-learning programme. With him are (from left) SCDF Director of Public Affairs Colonel Abdul Razak, Woodlands C2E Chairman Mr Alex Chow and Commander 4th SCDF Division Lieutenant Colonel Michael Chua. PHOTO: Nizam Neti

“Let us pledge our commitment to stay alert to security threats, stay united when terror strikes and stay strong to bounce back quickly in a crisis,” reiterated Mr Amrin.

Written by

Jaiesh Sachi


7 November 2016

Civil Defence and Emergency Preparedness
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