On Assignment

Tech Spotlight: Checkpoint Transformation

24/7 self-service kiosks for collecting documents; immigration clearance that’s more efficient and secure – find out how ICA is leveraging technology to provide better services.
Passing through our checkpoints and collecting passports and Identity Cards will be made more efficient and secure, as the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) uses technology to improve the experience for travellers and customers. Here are two highlights from ICA’s 2019 Workplan Seminar. 

1. A New Integrated Services Centre
To cope with the rising demand for registration and identification services, ICA is building a new Integrated Services Centre by 2023. 

The new 10-storey Integrated Services Centre will be built next to the existing ICA Building along Kallang Road. PHOTO: Fatris Bin Jasmin
Here’s what you’ll find at the Integrated Services Centre: 

Self-service kiosks that are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so that customers can collect ICA documents such as passports and Identity Cards at their convenience.

- A new iSMART system that uses robotics to store documents securely and convey them on-demand to self-service kiosks for issuance.

At the new Integrated Services Centre, Singaporeans will be able to collect their passports and Identity Cards at self-service kiosks after verifying their identity. PHOTOS: Fatris Bin Jasmin
- Automated processes reduce the time spent collecting documents to a maximum of 15 minutes. Customers will also be able to collect different documents (such as passports and Identity Cards) from a single point

- There will be service ambassadors on-site to assist senior citizens and customers who require special assistance. 

The 10-storey structure will be located next to the existing ICA Building along Kallang Road.

2. New Clearance Concept
To handle the growing volume of travellers passing through checkpoints while keeping Singapore’s borders safe, ICA will be introducing a New Clearance Concept (NCC) to provide seamless, secure and efficient immigration clearance experience for all travellers from 2022.

Here’s how travellers will benefit from the new initiatives under the NCC:

- Foreign visitors will be able to submit personal information and trip details electronically prior to their arrival in Singapore via the Electronic Arrival Card (EAC). The EAC will eventually replace the paper-based disembarkation/embarkation card and will be made available through ICA’s website and mobile application in the second half of the year. ICA will phase out the physical disembarkation/embarkation card by 2021. 

- The NCC will also feature a new generation of automated lanes, called the Automated Border Control System. 

- If you’re a Singaporean, you won’t need to present your passport and scan your thumbprint at the Automated Border Control System. Instead, you’ll be identified via your facial and iris biometrics. ICA began trials for contactless immigration clearance at Tuas Checkpoint in April this year.

- First-time foreign visitors will also be able to self-clear using automated immigration lanes on their arrival. Their biometrics (fingerprints as well as facial and iris features) will be captured and enrolled as part of the arrival clearance process. 
The six-month trial for contactless immigration clearance for Singaporeans started at Tuas Checkpoint in April this year. PHOTO: Fatris Bin Jasmin
- After the implementation of the Electronic Visit Pass (e-Pass), ICA will no longer stamp the passport of foreign visitors. They will receive e-Pass via email or SMS, which will indicate how long they can stay.

ICA Workplan Seminar 2019

Read the speech by Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K Shanmugam at ICA’s 2019 Workplan Seminar.

Written by

Natasha Razak


14 May 2019

Science and Technology
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