Question:Dr Tan Wu Meng: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what channels exist for driving licence holders to clarify their demerit points status in situations where the SingPass app and Traffic Police online platforms provide different information to the user; and (b) how often is such information updated across Government e-services systems.
Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:
1. After the Traffic Police (TP) verifies the identity of the motorist
involved in an offence, TP will send him a notification letter on his demerit points status,
and update this on the online Electronic Driver Data Information and Enquiry System.
Licence holders can visit the Singapore Police Force’s (SPF) e-Services portal, under
“Traffic Matters”, to check the status of their demerit points, which is updated daily.
2. Driving licence information, which includes demerit points status, is also sent daily
to MyInfo, the Government’s digital personal data platform. The Singpass application
draws personal data from the MyInfo database on a monthly basis. However, Singpass
users can also tap the refresh button in the Singpass application at any point in time to
retrieve the most up-to-date personal data.
3. Based on public feedback, TP found an error with the demerit points information
displayed on the Singpass application, for motorists who accumulate 24 or more demerit
points. In such cases, the Singpass application would incorrectly reflect their total demerit
points as ‘zero’. TP has been working with its vendor since December 2024 to rectify the
issue and expects to resolve it by early February 2025.
4. In the meantime, members of the public should treat the SPF e-Services portal as the
authoritative source of information on demerit points.