Oral Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Dealing with Offenders Who Have Been Repeatedly Issued Notices of Offence for Severe Fire Safety Regulation Breaches

Published: 06 March 2025


Ms Hazel Poa: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs what is the Singapore Civil Defence Force’s policy for dealing with offenders who have been repeatedly issued notices of offence for severe breaches of fire safety regulations.


Assoc Prof Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development:

1. SCDF adopts an escalatory approach in enforcing against breaches of fire safety regulations. 

2. They issue abatement notices or impose composition fines for minor cases of non-compliance. Higher fines are imposed for repeated instances, and prosecution in court may follow if the errant party fails to rectify the non-compliance. An example of a minor non-compliance would be undertaking minor partition works that affect the fire safety design of a space without seeking approval from SCDF.

3. For more serious breaches and repeated offences of serious breaches, SCDF will consider prosecution. An example of a serious breach is erection of illegal structures that would seriously compromise escape in the event of a fire.