Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Free Replacement of Identity Cards by Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law

Published: 11 July 2016



Mr Patrick Tay Teck Guan: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs whether ICA can provide free replacement of NRICs at selected intervals of one's lifetime due to fair wear and tear of our identity cards and outdated photographs.




1. The Identity Card (IC) is made of a highly durable polycarbonate material that has been subjected to stringent tests to ensure its durability.  It is not easily damaged with normal handling. Apart from a small number of cards  that may be damaged due to excessive wear and tear over time, there is no need to replace all ICs at regular intervals.


2. The $60 fee for replacing a damaged IC is to cover the production cost, which includes manpower, material, as well as other costs incurred in producing a new card. This fee has remained the same for many years.


3. ICA will consider a waiver of the fee for cases which warrant special consideration. This includes situations where the card was damaged due to circumstances beyond the cardholder's control, such as accidents or fire.


4. Singapore residents are currently required to register for an NRIC at age 15 and to re-register at age 30 with an updated photograph. Given longer life expectancy, ICA is studying the feasibility of introducing a second NRIC re-registration at an older age.


Immigration and Checkpoints Security