Published: 06 November 2017
Er Dr Lee Bee Wah: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) whether the Ministry has done any study to understand the reasons for jaywalking and, if so, what is the outcome; (b) how many pedestrians have been killed over the past five years because of jaywalking; and (c) whether the Ministry will consider a public campaign against jaywalking.
1. Between 2012 and 2016, on average, 20 jaywalkers were killed each year. Elderly pedestrians were especially vulnerable, accounting for about 60% of the fatalities.
2. A 2015 study conducted by Traffic Police (TP) found that a key reason for jaywalking was that pedestrians did not consider jaywalking as unsafe to themselves or to other road users. This, of course, is a gross misperception.
3. TP has stepped up its engagement efforts against jaywalking, especially vis-à-vis elderly pedestrians. In November last year, TP launched the Road Master Test Kit. The self-administered test kit allows elderly pedestrians to assess their eyesight, hearing and reaction time, and provides information on the risks of jaywalking. TP has been using the test kit to educate and engage elderly road users at Senior Activity Centres and community events. To date, TP has distributed a total of 4000 test kits, and will continue to do so.
4. TP also conducts wider engagement and education activities such as the "Singapore Road Safety Month", "Shell Traffic Games", and "Use Your RoadSense" campaigns. These campaigns help raise awareness of jaywalking as part of their wider emphasis on pedestrian and motorist safety. In addition, the Singapore Road Safety Council launched an online video in Oct 2017, to remind pedestrians on how to stay safe, including using only designated crossings, underpasses and overhead bridges, to cross the road.