Published: 07 November 2016
Ms Joan Pereira: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) to date, how many hit-and-run traffic cases remain unsolved; (b) whether the Ministry has an information network which includes workshops to report on suspicious damaged vehicles and immigration officers to do the same for vehicles leaving Singapore; and (c) what other measures are in place to apprehend drivers on the run.
1. Since 2015, there were a total of 233 hit-and-run accidents involving injuries and 7 involving fatalities. About one-third of those involving injuries, which comprise the bulk of such accidents, have been solved. Of the 7 fatal hit-and-run accidents, all but one have been solved.
2. As part of investigations into such accidents, the Traffic Police (TP) will examine all available forensic evidence as well as camera footage from the accident scene and its vicinity. TP will also appeal for witnesses through multiple platforms such as displaying witness appeal signs at the accident location and broadcasting appeal notices via mainstream and social media. Once the identity of the offender or vehicle is established, TP will spare no effort to bring the offender to task.
3. TP also work through various partners like the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), the insurance and motor workshop industries to locate the vehicles. TP obtain accident information, including the damage to the vehicles, from the General Insurance Association. TP will also engage motor workshops as part of its investigations.
4. We take a tough stance against motorists who flee from an accident scene. All motorists must stop when they are involved in an accident and render aid to the victim. Severe penalties are meted out to hit-and-run offenders to deter motorists from fleeing from the accident scene. Offender can be fined up to $3,000 or sentenced to imprisonment of up to a year. The offender will also be disqualified for driving for at least a year. These charges are in addition to charges under the Penal Code if death or hurt were caused in the accident.