Published: 14 February 2023
Mr Murali Pillai: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what is the Traffic Police’s assessment of the deployment of mobile speed cameras since 2017 as a resource-productive tool to encourage motorists to comply with vehicle or road speeds; and (b) whether the Traffic Police intends to employ more of such cameras with a view to arrest the increasing number of speeding-related violations and accidents as reported by the Police on 8 September 2022.
Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:
1. Mobile Speed Cameras are portable speed detection devices which can be easily deployed at different locations. Should speeding prove rampant at a particular stretch of road, the Traffic Police (TP) may consider deploying a fixed speed camera instead, if the terrain permits.
2. The Member referenced the Police’s Mid-Year Traffic Situation Report for 2022. The report found that the number of speeding-related violations and accidents increased in the first half of 2022, compared to the same period in 2021. The increase was partly due to the increase in traffic volume in 2022, with the easing of COVID-19 measures.
3. The number of speeding-related violations, however, was lower than pre-pandemic.
4. Mobile Speed Cameras are part of the suite of enforcement tools adopted by TP, which includes fixed speed cameras, red-light cameras, as well as routine patrols by TP officers. TP will continue to monitor and assess the traffic situation, including whether stronger enforcement actions are needed.