Question:Mr Desmond Choo: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs with the implementation of the passport-less clearance at Changi Airport (a) what has been the early experience of travellers and staff; (b) what refinements are needed; and (c) whether there has been any security issues.
Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:
1. Passport-less immigration clearance has been fully implemented
across all four Changi Airport terminals since 30 September 2024. Arriving and departing
Singapore residents can clear immigration by simply using facial and iris biometrics,
without the need to present their passport. All foreign visitors can also enjoy passport-less
clearance when they depart Singapore.
2. As of 15 October 2024, close to 1.5 million travellers have undergone passport-less
clearance. Travellers have welcomed the initiative, as immigration clearance is now even
faster and more convenient. The average clearance time for each traveller has been
reduced by 60%, from 25 seconds to 10 seconds. For staff, the initiative has streamlined
processes and raised productivity. For instance, there are now far fewer instances of
travellers requiring assistance with passport scanning.
3. Travellers undergo a similar screening process as they would under automated
clearance when passports are required. The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)
continues to use a combination of iris and facial biometrics to authenticate the identity of
travellers. Our view is that the process has adequate security checks.
4. ICA will continue to monitor and engage relevant stakeholders. This includes
working closely with the airlines to ensure prompt submission of passenger and crew
information, as delayed or late submission may affect the passport-less clearance process.