Published: 09 January 2024
Mr Saktiandi Supaat: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what is the frequency that Singapore's anti-scam campaigns appear in (i) local daily newspapers (ii) local television during prime time (iii) local television outside of prime time (iv) social media and (v) other media platforms; and (b) whether the Government will consider increasing the frequency of short television advertisements explaining the latest scam tactics in a manner that is easy to understand and, if not, why not.
Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:
1. In January 2023, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the National Crime Prevention Council launched the national anti-scam campaign, “I can ACT against scams". In this omni-channel campaign, the SPF has been disseminating anti-scam messages and advisories on both traditional and online media platforms, in various formats and at different frequencies, typically with more publicity when there are emerging scam variants to highlight.
2. The SPF has also been disseminating on its own, anti-scam messages through local television advertisements (both during and outside prime time), social media platforms, and anti-scam posters in various public locations, including bus stop panels and digital display panels in the lifts of HDB flats, shopping centres and MRT platforms. Since November, the SPF has also been working with SPH Media to publish a column on scams in local newspapers in the four vernacular languages. These columns are published twice each month, and feature information on measures that one can adopt to protect himself and his loved ones.
3. The SPF also works with private entities, including banks, e-commerce platforms and telcos, to disseminate anti-scam messages. In addition, the SPF regularly issues scam-related Police news releases on the SPF’s website and social media platforms. There were 177 such news releases issued last year. Our local newspapers including The Straits Times would typically also carry them.