Published: 07 August 2024
Mr Yip Hon Weng: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what measures are being taken to ensure that foreign auxiliary police officers have received the relevant training and qualifications needed for their roles in Singapore; (b) how is the Ministry ensuring that these auxiliary police officers understand the cultural norms and sensitivities in Singapore to perform their duties effectively; and (c) what will be the impact on our local workforce in security roles, specifically salaries and benefits.
Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:
1. All Auxiliary Police Officers (APOs), regardless of
nationality, must meet the physical, educational, and probity requirements set by the
Singapore Police Force. This includes passing the APO Basic Course and the
Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT).
2. The Auxiliary Police Forces (APFs) have rolled out various initiatives to facilitate
foreign APOs’ understanding and appreciation of our socio-cultural norms and
sensitivities, and laws. This includes briefings, local tours, regular engagements, and
appointing cultural liaison officers to support the APOs. Owners of premises where
the APOs are deployed may provide further guidance to them.
3. The APFs have been stepping up efforts to try to attract more Singaporeans to the
profession, through higher competitive salaries, higher sign-on and retention bonuses,
and enhanced career progression. But as Members know, it is challenging to get Singaporeans, because of shortage and opportunities available in many other areas.
Nevertheless, we will continue working with the APFs to try and hire more