Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Proportion of Scam Victims on Work Passes and Efforts to Educate Low-Income Foreign Workers on Avenues of Recourse Available

Published: 05 April 2022


Mr Leon Perera:
To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what proportion of all scam victims in Singapore last year are holders of (i) Long-Term Visit Pass (ii) Work Permit and (iii) S Pass; and (b) what efforts are being made to educate low-income foreign workers on the avenues of recourse available to them if they fall victim to such scams.


Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:

1.    In 2021, there were 23,931 cases of scam reported. Of the scam victims, 0.2% were long-term visit pass holders, 15.5% were work permit holders, and 1.6% were S-Pass holders.

2.    The Police work closely with non-governmental organisations, dormitory operators and embassies to share anti-scam advisories with the foreign workers. These include advice on the steps they can take if they have fallen victim to scams. Advisories are also translated into the foreign workers’ native language, where appropriate.

3.    The Police’s outreach efforts focus on raising awareness of the tell-tale signs of scams, and providing prevention tips. The Ministry of Manpower also provides anti-scam advisories and resources to foreign workers. For example, by disseminating anti-scam advice in their native language to foreign workers who attend the Settling-in-Programme upon arrival in Singapore.