Published: 07 November 2023
Mr Murali Pillai: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) whether he can provide details of the review of (i) firefighting procedures (ii) operational safety (iii) equipping and training that SCDF undertook, following the death of the late SCDF NSF SGT1 Edward Go on 8 December 2022 in a firefighting operation; and (b) what steps have been taken to enhance the safety of officers, particularly NSF officers, in the performance of high-risk duties.
Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:
1. Following the incident on 8 December 2022, SCDF convened an Internal Review Group (IRG) to conduct a detailed After-Action Review (AAR) into the firefighting operation that day. The AAR covered SCDF’s firefighting procedures, operational safety, equipping, and training.
2. As part of the AAR, the IRG also audited over 260 firefighting operations in 2021 and 2022, where at least one firefighting water jet was deployed. The aim was to assess whether the operations were conducted professionally and safely, and whether adequate command and control was exercised by the commanders on the ground. The IRG further scrutinised 61 of these cases that required more than two firefighting water jets, i.e. more challenging incidents.
3. The audit found that while the operations had largely been conducted competently and safely, there were occasional individual lapses such as officers not wearing their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) properly, or not using the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) during damping down operations.
4. The IRG made recommendations to improve operational safety as well as command-and-control:
5. Establishing a Staging and Breathing Apparatus Control Officer (BACO) control point for all residential unit fires, implemented since 18 September 2023. The control point helps ground commanders to track the deployment of firefighters, as well as to check on the PPE of the teams before they are sent into the scene of the fire. Previously, this control point was only established for major fire incidents.
6. Issuance of Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) to all Section Commanders, which will be achieved by March 2024. Currently, only officers who are holding the appointment of Deputy Rota Commander and higher are issued with BWCs. The wider deployment of BWCs will enhance the quality of post-incident AARs. By mid-2024 when the camera is capable of livestreaming to the SCDF Operations Centre, it will also enhance sensemaking during ongoing incidents.
7. A new generation of breathing apparatus with telemetry capabilities will be progressively deployed from mid-2024. This project was initiated two years ago, and has been in development. When introduced next year, it will enable transmission of the data of the air capacity remaining in a firefighter’s breathing apparatus, to the BACO control point for monitoring. This next generation breathing apparatus will also come with a Personnel Distress Device (PDD) that is automatically activated once the air tank is turned on, as compared to the existing PDD which must be manually turned on by the firefighter. With the new PDD, after a period when the firefighter is motionless, the PDD will automatically trigger an alert to the BACO control point, so that officers there can make appropriate interventions.
8. Enhancements to the selection process for ground commanders. The SCDF is also conducting a comprehensive review of the training of ground commanders, including enhancements to the training syllabus to underline the importance of command responsibility, and introducing exercises to stress-test the command-and-control capabilities of the commanders.
9. Mr Murali also asked about the deployment of Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs), in particular, as firefighters, and how we ensure their safety. First, only NSFs who are certified to be medically fit and are of Physical Employment Status ‘A’, ‘B1’ or ‘B2’ will be deployed as firefighters.
10. Second, firefighting training at the Civil Defence Academy (CDA) is conducted with ‘live' fire simulators to provide realism so that trainees, regardless whether they are Regulars or NSFs, can gain relevant experience operating in conditions that closely resemble real fires. The training curriculum is reviewed regularly to ensure currency and robustness.
11. Even after graduation from CDA, training continues to be an integral part of a firefighter’s daily routine. They undergo exercises and drills during each shift to familiarise themselves with their respective roles and functions, as well as to maintain individual fitness and other competencies. Annual proficiency tests are conducted by CDA to ensure that their skills and fitness levels continue to meet the required standards.
12. The safety of all SCDF personnel, whether they are Regulars, NSFs, NSmen or Volunteers, is of paramount importance to us. We will continue to make sure that they are well trained and properly equipped to carry out their duties, safely and effectively.