Published: 14 September 2021
Ms Joan Pereira: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what are the most common causes of non-residential fires this year; and (b) what measures are in place to help prevent such fires.
1. From January to June 2021, there were 215 non-residential fires. The three most common causes, contributing to about 70% of such fires, were fires of electrical origin, overheating of food, and fires due to exposure to heat sources or chemicals.
2. There are various measures in place to minimise the occurrence of such fires.
3. SCDF requires large non-residential premises to appoint a Fire Safety Manager (FSM) to assist the building owner in ensuring a fire-safe environment. The FSM’s responsibilities include daily checks for fire hazards, conducting fire drills to ensure that the building occupants are familiar with the evacuation plan, and educating them on fire prevention matters.
4. SCDF also works with stakeholders such as the National Fire and Emergency Preparedness Council, the Fire Safety Managers’ Association Singapore and the Association of Company Emergency Response Teams (Singapore) to engage the industries regularly. At such engagement sessions, professionals share best practices and lessons from past fire cases. Commercial and industrial premises with good fire safety track records are recognised at the annual Fire Safety Awards.
5. SCDF conducts regular checks on non-residential premises and takes enforcement actions against non-compliance. Members of the public can also provide feedback on fire safety via channels such as the Fire Safety Hotline and the myResponder App.