Written Replies to Parliamentary Questions

Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Trends in Traffic Accidents Involving Children Aged 18 Years and Below

Published: 30 November 2022


Mr Saktiandi Supaat:
To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) what are the trends in traffic accidents involving children aged 18 years and below; and (b) whether he can provide an update on the inter-ministry or inter-agency efforts and resources spent in further enhancing road safety awareness in Singapore.


Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:

1.   Between 2018 and 2021, the number of persons aged 18 years and below who died or were injured in traffic accidents decreased, from 500 in 2018, to 280 in 2021. As economic and social activities resume as we emerge from the pandemic, the 2022 figure is estimated to be about 350, based on extrapolation of the data from January to October 2022. This is lower than in 2018.

2.   The Traffic Police (TP) has implemented various initiatives to promote road safety awareness among children. In July 2022, TP and the Ministry of Education jointly developed an online interactive learning resource called the 'Road Safety Challenge!'. TP also regularly provides specially curated road safety talks to school children. The talks cover a variety of topics such as how to cross the roads safely, and how to ride safely as a cyclist, or as a passenger in a bus or car. In addition, TP organises road safety training for children through the annual Singapore Traffic Games, formerly known as the Shell Traffic Games. The most recent Games took place at the Road Safety Community Park on 9 November 2022, where school children practised road safety rules and etiquette through role playing three types of road users – go-kart drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

3.   TP installed road safety banners at all primary schools to educate students on good road safety habits, as part of the Singapore Road Safety Month 2022. TP also collaborated with the Singapore Road Safety Council to produce videos to remind motorists on safe driving behaviour in school zones.

4.   Regulation and enforcement also play key roles in promoting road safety for our children. In July 2021, composition fines and demerit points for specified traffic offences committed in School Zones were increased. Motorists will now incur two additional demerit points for each specified traffic offence, and an additional $100 for each composition fine.