Mr Leong Mun Wai: To ask the Minister for Home Affairs (a) whether the rules governing a change of race for Singapore citizens and permanent residents also apply to foreign pass holders; and (b) whether ICA verifies the race declared by foreign pass holders and, if so, how.
Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law:
1. Foreigners applying for long-term immigration passes such as
the Long-Term Visit Pass and Student’s Pass must declare their race to the Immigration
and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). ICA may seek supporting documents where necessary.
2. Subsequently, however, we do not require them to come to ICA to change their
registered race, if they change their views about the race under which they should be
registered. This is for practical reasons, because their presence in Singapore is transient,
and we have no policy need for them to do so.
3. On the other hand, Permanent Residents, like Singapore Citizens, are required to
register a change of race with ICA.