Our Community

This is What a Home Team Volunteer Looks Like

Ordinary citizens with an extraordinary mission – working together with the Home Team to serve the community.
You know them as our Home Team Guardians and volunteers, working hard 24/7 to keep Singapore safe and secure. In our GUARDIANS photo series, we hear their personal stories, told from the heart. 

GRAPHIC: Phylicia Poon

Established in 2011, the Home Team Volunteer Network (HTVN) comprises civilians who volunteer their time to serve the community. We speak to six volunteers to find out why they’re dedicated to their Home Team duties.

PHOTO: Soo Jun Xiang

Alex Lim Zong Wei, 35
Volunteer, Citizens on Patrol (COP)

COP volunteers patrol neighbourhoods to keep them safe, engage the community on crime prevention measures and alert the Police when suspicious activities or persons are observed. 

“I enjoy volunteering because it allows me to be of service to others. I'm able to help other people, and that’s what I enjoy most. 

“I’m an Audiometrician by profession. I conduct hearing tests for my customers and prescribe hearing aids to those who are hearing-impaired. 

“When I’m not at work, I volunteer in various roles. Apart from being a COP, I’m also a Honorary Officer for the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC). As a former NPCC cadet, volunteering with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) was a natural thing for me. I;m also a grassroots volunteer in Pasir Ris. 

“I’ve also convinced my parents to volunteer as COP as well! We get to spend more family time together and, with the knowledge of what's happening in our community, can discuss how we can make a difference.”
PHOTO: Soo Jun Xiang

Nur Hana Marlina, 26
Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) Officer

VSC officers work alongside their SPF counterparts to perform frontline policing duties and safeguard law and order. 

“I joined VSC after finding out about this scheme at the Home Team Festival 2017. Back then, I was studying Psychology as an undergraduate and wanted to spend my free time meaningfully. I thought that joining VSC would give me the opportunity to grow. 

“Frontline Policing isn’t the only thing that VSC officers do. We're also deployed for major events such as the National Day Parade. In fact, I was in the volunteer marching contingent in 2019, when this contingent made its debut! I’m glad to volunteer because every day as a VSC officer is different. I’ve gained many memorable and meaningful experiences. 

“I’m currently an Auxiliary Police Officer with AETOS. When I’m not at work or volunteering, I like going out with my family and friends, watching superhero movies and looking for new restaurants to try!”

PHOTO: Soo Jun Xiang

Mohamed Faisalaziz, 45
Singapore Prison Service (SPS) Befriender

SPS Befrienders are trusted companions who provide positive pro-social assistance and a listening ear to offenders, especially those who lack strong family support, in order to aid their reintegration efforts. 

“I’ve been volunteering my services at various organisations since I was 15. As I was considering which organisation I could volunteer with, SPS caught my attention. I felt drawn to helping ex-offenders attain a second chance at life.

“As a Befriender, my role involves helping ex-offenders reintegrate into society upon their release. I lend them a listening ear as a trusted companion would, and I offer them guidance in setting tangible goals for themselves upon their release. 

“To serve as a volunteer, you must be sincere and have a big heart. I always tell people that volunteering is a commitment which must be done with absolute sincerity. I often meet with ex-offenders regularly, sometimes on Saturday mornings, while my children are still asleep.

“As for my day job, I work as a manager in sourcing, product development and supply chain logistics. I travel a lot for my work and, as such, I like to spend my free time with my family. I also like to read books. I’m not particular about genres as I read anything that catches my fancy. I’m currently reading The Shock Doctrine by social activist Naomi Klein.”
PHOTO: Tiffany Tan

Low Giok Khim, 25
Victim Care Cadre (VCC) Volunteer

There for you in troubled times – established in 2017, the SPF’s VCC Programme serves as a support system for victims of crime, especially of sexual offences, as part of Police investigations.

“I joined SPF’s VCC Programme because I wanted to give back to society by volunteering with an organisation that was invested in safeguarding the safety and security of the country. I was also drawn to volunteer because I wanted to support victims of crime. As an aspiring Clinical Psychologist, I found that volunteering with the VCC would be a good starting point for me.

“As a VCC volunteer, I offer emotional support to victims of crime. We have to undergo a selection process and training in subjects like court processes, risk assessment and counselling methods.

“My experience as a volunteer has been extremely humbling. I’ve seen victims rise from despair to stand up for themselves, despite the setbacks they’ve faced. It’s amazing how resilient they can be, and it’s extremely fulfilling to see them overcome their challenges.

“I’m currently stationed at the CHAT Hub at *SCAPE, where I assist youths to cope better with mental health by offering them support and a listening ear. I’ve also been inspired by members of my own family who struggled with mental health issues, but emerged stronger.”
PHOTO: Phylicia Poon

Francine Tan, 18
Anti-Drug Advocate

Anti-Drug Advocates work to engage youths to lead drug-free lifestyles through ground-up initiatives such as social media campaigns and anti-drug roadshows. 

“I knew about the Central Narcotic Bureau’s Anti-Drug Advocate programme through a friend from Secondary School. I was inspired to volunteer because I wanted to help spread awareness about the harmful effects of drug abuse, and especially about how drugs affect not just abusers, but also their loved ones.

“I’m currently studying Banking and Finance as part of my Foundation Programme at Nanyang Polytechnic. Being an Anti-Drug Advocate has helped me to meet other like-minded youths; it’s fun to be with people who share the same mission as I do, and to work together on projects. 

Francine (second from right), with her fellow Anti-Drug Advocates at the DrugFreeSG Light-Up, 2019. PHOTO: CNB

“One memorable event that I was involved in was DrugFreeSG Light-Up 2019. It was amazing to see the Marina Bay skyline lit up in the anti-drug colours of green and white, and I was encouraged by the many people we met there who supported the anti-drug cause.

“My family is also very supportive of my volunteering work as they find what I’m doing to be very meaningful. I’m especially close to my grandmother; we’ve been baking together since I was young, and she always has a lot of wisdom to share.”
PHOTO: Soo Jun Xiang

Chong Guan Seng, 37
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU)

Volunteer EMTs are trained in medical doctrine, casualty aid, clinical skills and key medical protocols in order to assist the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) in carrying out emergency medical services. 

“I was a Combat Medic in the Army during my Full-time National Service. After becoming Operationally Ready, I wanted to make good use of the life-saving knowledge that I’d gained. That’s why I decided to volunteer with CDAU. 

“As a volunteer EMT, I do a 12-hour shift at Yishun Fire Station alongside my SCDF EMTs. Most of the time, I’ll volunteer for the night shift so that the hours don’t clash with my work. I’m a healthcare administrator in the Unit for Pre-hospital Emergency Care (UPEC). I also happen to be a Basic Cardiac Life Support and AED trainer. 

“Volunteering with the Home Team isn’t simply about donning a uniform. It’s about taking on the responsibility to serve the community, and doing our jobs well because we have a passion to help others.”

Home Team Volunteer Network (HTVN) 
HTVN works closely with the Home Team Departments to garner community support and involvement in volunteering with the Home Team. Find out more about the various Home Team Volunteer opportunities and make a difference today!

GUARDIANS Photo Series
This is What a HTA Officer Looks Like
- This is What a Police Officer Looks Like
This is What an ICA Officer Looks Like
This is What an SCDF Officer Looks Like

Written by

Phylicia Poon


25 March 2020

Photo Feature
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