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Managing Security Threats

The Home Team is dedicated to tackle internal and external threats that can potentially undermine our security and social cohesion.

What We Do

Our functions include:

  • Counter-terrorism
  • Counter-espionage
  • Maintaining racial and religious harmony
  • Safeguarding against foreign interference

We deal with threats to Singapore's security through a range of legislative tools, as well as active community involvement.

The peace, security and harmony we enjoy today cannot be taken for granted. Through strong partnerships and engagements with various stakeholders and communities, we continually keep our capabilities relevant to effectively manage and deal with threats to our nation.


Key legislation

The Internal Security Act (ISA) allows the Government to act pre-emptively to protect Singapore from threats to our internal security. These include international terrorism, foreign subversion, espionage and acts of violence or hatred against persons on the basis of race or religion.

One key feature of the ISA is that of “preventive detention”, which allows the Government to detain a person who poses an imminent threat to Singapore’s security for up to 2 years in the first instance.

Since the 11 September 2001 terror attacks in the United States, the ISA has mainly been used to deal with the terrorism threat facing Singapore. The Government takes a serious view of anyone who supports, promotes, undertakes or makes preparations to undertake armed violence.

Call the ISD Counter-Terrorism Centre hotline 1800-2626-473 (1800-2626-ISD) if you:

  • Are aware of anyone becoming involved in terrorism-related activities, including planning or taking steps to travel to conflict zones to take part in an armed conflict
  • Observe suspicious activities or signs of radicalisation

Download the ISA infographic

The Public Order and Safety (Special Powers) Act (POSSPA) provides the SPF with the necessary powers to deal with serious public order and safety incidents, including terrorist attacks. The Act was passed on 21 March 2018 and came into force on 16 May 2018.

Under POSSPA, Police will be able to use special powers to handle serious incidents, including terrorist attacks.

There is a two-tier unlocking mechanism for POSSPA, and the threshold is high:



Download the ISA infographic

The Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act provides the Government with the powers necessary to maintain religious harmony and ensure the separation of religion from politics.

In October 2019, Parliament introduced amendments to the Act to strengthen our safeguards and response to threats to our religious harmony.

The  Penal Code provides for enhanced penalties for racially or religiously aggravated offences.

FICA aims to counter foreign interference in our domestic politics conducted through (i) hostile information campaigns and (ii) local proxies.




SGSecure is Singapore’s community response to the threat of terrorism. It is a movement to build the resilience of our community and a call to action to come together to safeguard our way of life.

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