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Love Begins at Home (HTX)

Feel the love this Valentine’s Day with HTX Digital Forensic Examiners Verbena Ong and Derek Chan, who met during their internship.

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PHOTOS: Arvind Chan

It may not be love at first sight for Verbena and Derek, both Digital Forensic Examiners at the Home Team Science and Technology Agency (HTX), but their relationship was strengthened over eight years of dating before tying the knot in 2022.

We caught up with the couple who are now forward deployed to the Technology Crime Forensic Branch (TCFB) of Singapore Police Force (SPF) to hear how they went from fellow interns to husband and wife.

When did you first meet?
Verbena: We took the same Digital Forensics course during our polytechnic days. However, I only knew him personally when we interned at TCFB in July 2013. We started dating after the internship.

Tell us about your work now!
Verbena: I joined TCFB in 2018 after graduating and moved to HTX when it was formed in 2019. Our work involves extracting evidence from digital exhibits. Derek joined HTX in 2021. 

Derek: With crimes increasingly becoming digital, I find it meaningful to be able to help solve crimes and seek justice for the victims. 

Verbena: I feel blessed to be in a job where I can do what I love. Our bosses are very supportive and give us the space to explore new things. 

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What do you like about your spouse?
Derek: She is upbeat, joyful and quite a straightforward person. She expresses her feelings directly so there is no need to guess. I also like that she pays attention to and cares for everyone. Once during our internship, I cut my finger and it started to bleed. She noticed and helped to put on a plaster for me – this level of attention and care she gives to everyone is a quality that I really admire. 

Verbena: I like that Derek always follows the rules. One day during our internship, when we were walking back to office after lunch, I noticed that he was waiting for the traffic light instead of just crossing the road when there were no cars.  I also like that he doesn’t talk behind people’s backs. He is a direct person who will tell it as it is. 

Does working together improve or worsen your relationship, and why?
Derek: Our relationship is better now that we have more common topics to talk about. Before I joined HTX, we would only talk about family, friends and our interests. Now we can also discuss about work. 

Verbena: Now we have more time to spend together because we can leave home for office, eat lunch and go back home together.

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How do you support each other at work and at home?
Verbena: He cooks for me at home! If I am busy with work, he will make sure I don’t go without meals. When I am stressed at work, he will be there to listen. Since he works with me, he understands what I am going through. 

Derek: Working in the same office means it is easier to help each other, especially whenever one of us has an urgent case. If she is unable to help me, she will still be there with a listening ear. 
Do you “CSI” each other?
Verbena: We do not feel the need to check on each other because of mutual trust. The only time Derek stalked me online was when he trawled my Facebook and Instagram to compile my pictures into a photo book for me!

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What helps to keep your marriage strong?
Verbena: We believe in commitment. Marriage is a commitment to be present for each other. When we are both committed to the relationship, then there is no need to worry about trust or anything else.

Derek: Before we were married, we discussed important questions like whether we want kids in the future and what we want to get out of this relationship. Knowing that our perspectives and values are aligned, we then set on working towards common goals as a couple to strengthen our commitment towards each other.

Feel the love with the Home Team, on Telegram: t.me/hometeamnews

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Written by

Arvind Chan


10 February 2023



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